How to Record Gameplay on Xbox One

Last updated on September 4, 2017 by

With the growing popularity of video sites like YouTube and Twitch, video game tutorials and live stream updates are also increasing. If you are a gamer and you own the latest Xbox console, you’re probably aware that it can easily document your gameplay activity without requiring additional software or application.

Meanwhile, if you have an outdated console, you need a capture card to record Xbox One gameplay. A capture card, in the simplest sense, is a device that records video footage from PC or game console. However, this is rather expensive and some may give bad quality output. So, in order to save your money and record your Xbox One game without a capture card, here are some of the best workable solutions you can try.

Three Ways to Record Gameplay from Xbox One

Record with Controller or Kinect

Assuming that you just want to make a quick snap of your gameplay, you can grab your Controller or Kinect for that matter. These two devices are programmed with screen capture tools that can take screenshot and record videos for a short time. So, when you stumble upon an interesting scene, you can instantly save the first 30 seconds of your play for offline viewing.

record Xbox with Controller

The only problem of this is that you can’t store your recorded file directly to flash drive and therefore you need to upload it to the cloud and access it on your computer. In order to solve this problem, read along and find out how to record gameplay on Xbox One with Kinect and Controller.


If you happen to make an excellent move against your opponent, you can command your Kinect with “Xbox, record that”. Afterwards, the option will be turned on instantly that the last thirty seconds of your game play will be recorded.

record with Kinect


In the event that you don’t have Kinect, you can also use your controller. In order to record while playing, double-tap on the Home button and then hit X. Your play will then be recorded and you’ll be notified about the progress.

Use the Game DVR on Windows 10

Aside from the above mentioned possibilities, you can also record your gameplay through Game Bar. This is part of the Game DVR which is a feature of the Xbox App installed on Windows 10. This tool is capable of saving videos while you’re playing on your computer. You may publish your footage on YouTube or other sites and share it offline to your friends. To record videos on Xbox One, here are some simple steps to follow.

record Xbox with Game DVR

  • Open your gameplay on your computer. Press Windows Key + G to open the Game Bar. Note that your app should be opened in Window mode, if not, the tool will not appear.
  • Next, click on the red button to start recording.
  • Once done, reopen the Game Bar and hit the stop button. You can find your recorded file from a folder named “Capture” under Videos library.

Use Xbox One SmartGlass

The last method which is undoubtedly the easiest is via SmartGlass. Microsoft developed this app to allow gamers to connect their console on smartphones. With the help of this, you can easily navigate to your favorite game, browse the internet for new updates, track achievements, and many more.

The most convenient feature, which the company added, is the ability to record your gameplay with a couple of simple clicks. If you visit the app, you’ll see a recording button right under your games. This makes it easier for one to save live footages of their play. Here’s how to record XBox One gameplay.

record gameplay on Xbox One

  • Download and install SmartGlass on your smartphone. The app supports Windows, Android, and iOS devices.
  • Once you’re done, log into your XBox account to link your profile.
  • Press the “Connect” button and choose your XBox from the list.
  • After establishing connection, start playing games and tap the recording button on your smartphone.

Tips about sharing Xbox games on YouTube

After you record gameplay on XBox One, the next thing you need to do is share it on YouTube. To share your file, open Upload Studio from “My games and apps”. Select “Manage clips” and select the video you want to share. Now, press the “Edit” button in Upload Studio and follow the editing process. Once done, click on “Finish” and enter the title and description for your footage. Press “Upload” > “Next” > “Upload”. This only stores your file to OneDrive unlike the first method cited. Hence, you still have to share from OneDrive to YouTube. In order to do this, open OneDrive on your computer and download the clip you want to upload. After downloading, open your YouTube account and then hit the “Upload” button to share your file.

share Xbox games

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Posted byon toFree Help and Resources,Follow me on Twitter.Last updated on September 4, 2017

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